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This work is a photo essay accompanying the music collection "Shiki no Idea, Sahi no Kakera" (Ideas of the Four Seasons, Fragments of the Colored Sun).

I recorded my modest daily life, my travels, and the changing seasons.



本作「四季のイデア、彩日のかけら」は電子音とアコースティックギターによる音楽作品です。apple music、spotifyなどのサブスクリプション・サービスにて配信されています。

This work, "Shiki no Idea, Sahi no Kakera" is a musical work with electronic sounds and acoustic guitar, and is available on subscription services such as apple music and spotify.



This work, 'Ideas of the Four Seasons, Fragments of the Colourful Sun', is a musical work with electronic sounds and acoustic guitar; the CD will be released on 21 April 2023. It will be distributed on various subscription services at a later date.

Numeric night, Ivory morning

エレクトロジャズユニットWhy not nil?の1st.フルアルバムです。2016年にインディーズレーベルCat&Bonitoよりリリースされました。

This is the first full-length album by electro-jazz unit Why not nil? released in 2016 on the indie label Cat & Bonito.


©2021 by 五木田洋平。 で作成されました。

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